The Task Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and the Committee on Fetus and Newborn of the American Academy of Pediatrics issued an updated policy statement and technical report on recommendations for reducing infant deaths in a sleep environment on June 22nd. The recommendations with substantial revision include:
- Reiteration of the importance of supine positioning of the infant on a firm, non-inclined surface. The last recommendation is in keeping with new federal legislation that bans the manufacture and sale of inclined sleepers that are greater than 10 degrees that are “intended, marketed or designed” as a sleeping surface for children up to one year of age. The new recommendations also stress that all infant sleep products must meet all existing federal safety standards for cribs, bassinets, play yards, and bedside sleepers.
- The importance of the feeding of human milk to both the term and preterm infant as a SIDS risk-reduction strategy for at least the first 6 months of life.
- Bedsharing under any circumstances is not recommended; room sharing with the infant close by the bedside in a crib or bassinet for the first 6 months of life is strongly recommended. The statement emphasizes the particular hazards of bedsharing if the infant is < 4 months of age, the parent is impaired in alertness or ability to arouse or is a current smoker. In addition, the hazards of bedsharing are magnified if a soft bedding surface is being used, if the sleep environment contains soft bedding accessories such as pillows or blankets, if the infant is preterm, or if individuals other than the parents are in the bed.
- The timing of the introduction of pacifiers as a SIDS risk-reduction strategy is more specifically defined.
- The avoidance of smoke exposure, alcohol, and illicit drugs during pregnancy and after birth continues to be emphasized but in addition, the avoidance of exposure to nicotine, marijuana, and opioids is specifically spelled out.
- Avoid the use of hats on infants (except in the first hours of life and in the NICU) to prevent overheating.
- Direct-to-consumer heart rate and pulse oximetry monitoring devices are designated by the FDA as consumer wellness devices and are not intended to cure, mitigate or prevent sleep-related deaths. They are not recommended as devices to decrease the incidence of SIDS. Their use may also give the family a false sense of security regarding the risk of sleep-related death.
- Specific recommendations with regards to timing and duration of tummy time are made.
- Weighted swaddles or weighted objects within swaddlers of any type are not safe. Swaddling should be discontinued when an infant demonstrates any signs of attempting to roll, generally around 3-4 months.
The link to the full statement and the technical document that accompanies can be found below:
Summary Written by: Dr. Eileen Tyrala, Ask the Pediatrician