About our program
Cribs for Kids National Public Safety Initiative (NPSI) supports agencies and first responders for their commitment to infant safe sleep to reduce infant deaths and injuries in the sleep environment. Sudden Unexplained Infant Death (SUID) includes Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Accidental Suffocation and Strangulation in Bed (ASSB). SIDS and ASSB are the number reasons babies die before reaching their first birthday. The only way to prevent SIDS and ASSB is by following Infant Safe Sleep Recommendations.
To support public safety agencies, first responders, law enforcement, and medical examiners in our shared mission to reduce infant death, Cribs for Kids offers our NPSI program. Become part of Cribs for Kids NPSI program:

- Complete the linked application to:
- Access free education for your team members.
- Order and/or download safe sleep education materials.
- Order and distribute our safe sleep play yard, The Cribette.

- Have team members become Safe Sleep Ambassadors by completing this free, online education
- Completion of this self-paced module should take about 15 minutes
- After successful completion of a short quiz, a certificate is generated

How To Save A Baby's Life
This is a logical partnership because first responders will see situations that are dangerous for infants long before social service agencies might. If we can get a crib to a family that needs one, we might save that baby’s life. We are asking first responders, in the course of their duties, to keep their eyes open for infants who do not have access to a safe sleeping environment.
Assess for a safe sleep space on every call or visit where an infant is present.
- “Where does baby sleep for naps and nighttime?”
- Review the sleep space for safe sleep recommendations
- If no crib, bassinet, or play yard is present:
- Provide a Cribette, if available*
- Refer to other community partners in your region
- Point to www.findhelp.org

Send us a patch to be displayed on the Cribs for Kids National Public Safety Initiative Wall. Cribs for Kids collects patches from participating departments all over the country to be displayed for all of our visitors to see.
Mail your patch to:
Cribs for Kids
5450 Second Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15207
If you’d like to speak or connect with someone about our programs or receive our monthly “Safe Sleep Spotlight” newsletter, email us at npsi@cribsforkids.org.