Happy, Healthy, Lead-Free Me!
Simple Steps and Resources for Parents
1. Become Educated About Lead

The first step in preventing lead poisoning is education.
Visit these links to:
- Learn the dangers of lead exposure;
- Learn how children can become poisoned by lead;
- Watch a video to learn how to look for lead hazards in your home;
- Read the Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home booklet;
- Learn about your rights before buying or renting a property built before 1978;
- Watch a video about lead hazard disclosure requirements, including what “no knowledge of lead-based paint” means; and
- Complete a lead poisoning checklist for the home.
2. Test Your Home for Lead

Houses and apartment buildings built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint and lead dust. It is important to test your home for lead, especially if you have young children or are planning future renovations.
You can get your home tested for lead by:
- Hiring a licensed lead inspector or risk assessor to perform an in-depth inspection for lead-based paint and other lead hazards;
- Contacting an accredited laboratory for instruction on collecting samples and analyzing paint chips, dust, soil, or water samples;
- Using EPA-recognized lead test kits available to buy at hardware stores.
For examples of some commonly available EPA-recognized lead test kits:
- Watch a video on how to use the D-Lead Paint test kit.
3. Renovate Right

Home renovation creates dust. If your home was built prior to 1978, home renovations and repairs may create lead dust. Make sure renovating professionals are certified in lead-safe work practices, and they have checked for lead and provided you with the The Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right booklet before work begins.
Visit these links to:
- Learn more about the Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule;
- Learn what a lead-safe certified renovation professional does and why to hire one;
- Find a lead-safe certified firm available for hire near you;
- Find RRP training near you to learn lead-safe work practices;
- Report potential RRP violations of individuals using unsafe work practices.
4. Test Your Child

It is widely recommended that children’s lead levels be tested at age 1 year, and again, a second test, at age 2 years. Lead level tests can be done at the doctor’s office, during Well Child Check visits. Talk to your doctor about your child’s risk factors for lead poisoning.
Visit these links to:
- Watch the video: A Closer Look at Lead Testing for Parents with Young Children;
- Learn more about testing children’s blood lead levels.
Questions? The National Lead Information Center (NLIC) runs a Lead Information Hotline to answer questions about lead, lead hazards and their prevention.
Call 1 (800) 424-LEAD [5323] and speak with a specialist Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern time (except federal holidays).
Happy, Healthy, Lead-Free Me! (read-a-loud version)
Get the book: Happy, Healthy, Lead-Free Me!
Download your free copy of the book in English, Nepali, Spanish, Dari, Portuguese, Swahili, Chuukese, Somali and Haitian Creole. Or you can order books for your organization.
Board books are distributed by Cribs for Kids, LLC.
NH Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Clinical support for the book was provided by NH Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Meet the Coauthors
Gail C. Gettens, MS, ECMP and Knatalie Vetter enjoy working together in the NH Division of Public Health Services, Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. Each is the mother of three children, and both women have dedicated much of their professional careers to educating families on lead poisoning prevention and the importance of lead level testing for young children. Contact leadinfo@dhhs.nh.gov for more information.
Meet the Illustrator
Allison Valentine, artist and illustrator, spends her time creating fun and colorful artwork. She has illustrated numerous children’s books including the CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” book series. She lives in Connecticut with her husband, two young daughters and three cats—all of whom inspire her art. Email Allison for more information.
Meet the Designer
Faith Bouchard is a graphic designer and project manager at JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc and works out of JSI’s Northern New England office. Faith has supported lead poisoning prevention in New Hampshire since 2015.